3411 Surface Moisture-Density Gauge
The Troxler Model 3411 gauge is often considered the
"Old Reliable" gauge in the industry. As many
gauge owners and operators know, this model is no longer
manufactured by Troxler. The Models 3430
and 3440 are the current gauges
which have similar capabilities.
The Model 3411 gauges continue to be serviced and calibrated
by Troxler. However, many of the components are becoming
outdated or harder to find. The operator's manual for this
gauge is still available and can be purchased from Troxler
through our E-commerce
site or by contacting our customer service department at
1.877.TROXLER. Because the manual is not available in an
electronic format, a paper copy must be purchased.
We encourage owners of these gauges to consider upgrading to
a new Model 3430 or 3440 gauge or by replacing the scaler
(control panel) with the new 3411
Advanced Control Unit.